Types of Migraines and How to Treat Them
Written by Rachel Welch; Originally published by Health by Principle in June, 2021 If you suffer from migraines, you know that they are more difficult than a normal headache. They…
Coffee and Digestion: How to Find a Healthy Balance
Originally published by Health by Principle in April, 2021 “Wake up and smell the coffee!” Coffee is a delightful start to the morning and one that many of us enjoy.…
Pets and the Loving Way that They Heal Us
Written by Rachel Welch. Originally published by Health by Principle in July, 2021 What is sweeter than the moment when you are feeling sad, and your pet comes to comfort…
Self-Care for parents in 2022, and Beyond!
Originally published by Health by Principle, January 2022. The new year of 2022 has arrived, and brought with it new adventures, goals, and challenges. For many families, the concept of…
Aging with Positivity: The Best Choice You Can Make
Originally published by Health by Principle, January 2022. With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes a fresh way of observing the world. As we age, we each have the…
Complete Sources of Protein
A healthy diet consists of both macro and micronutrients. One of the most important macronutrients is protein. Protein is necessary for our bodies to build muscles, provide energy, and maintain…
Can You Take Multiple Vitamins at the Same Time?
Vitamins and supplements are a common topic in the health community and for good reason! They offer benefits and nutrition that may be hard to obtain from diet alone. Each…
Transform Your Mind and Body: 30 Days of Practice
You have most likely heard something about mindfulness and meditation, yoga, or all of the above, and their ability to transform your mind and body. Coming into 2021, we still…
Avocado Toast With Eggs: Gluten Free And Packed With Vegetables
We all know that we should eat more vegetables than we commonly receive through the typical American diet. We also know that breakfast is supposedly the most important meal of…
Marching Towards Minimalism: Free the Mind by Freeing Up Space
When you think of “minimalism,” what comes to mind? Do you think of an empty, white room with one lonely succulent on the bare windowsill? Maybe you think of a…