Sliabh Liag Social Distancing
Mental Health

Coping During COVID-19: Celebrate Despite the Chaos

Social distancing in Ireland on the side of Sliabh Liag.
Social distancing in Ireland at Sliabh Liag. . .Fondly remembering this day from 2018.

Perhaps you are struggling with coping during COVID-19.

As I write this post, our world is in a unique state of confusion, uncertainty, and chaos. I however, feel grateful, inspired, grounded, and at peace.

Friends, I am reviving this blog just in time for Easter, and I am praying that you are still following to witness its resurrection!

In light of COVID-19, the church where I work has “gone remote.” This has led many of us ministry leaders into uncharted territory. To all of my teaching friends out there whether in schools, churches, or wherever, YOU ROCK.

What I find truly divine about this unique time, is that God is using this “quarantined” time at home for good (Romans, 8:28). He is using this as a chance to remind me of who I am called to be and what I am called to do. As I joyfully plan remote lessons for the amazing kiddos and families in my children’s ministry, I also celebrate the resurrection of my creativity and passion. I celebrate the renewal of my drive, ambition, and dreams. I celebrate that this has become possible thanks to this unexpected removal of my commute, my excellent therapist, an empowering book, and some God-given-guidance.

This, my friends, brings me to the topic of today’s post:

Coping during COVID-19

How to Celebrate in Crazy, Chaotic Situations.

Many of you may rely on faith, as I do. Many of you may not be interested in spirituality at all. Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, I assure you that there are some tried and true tips to celebrating amid crappy circumstances. Behold. . .

Attitude is everything. Adjust your attitude, adjust your outcome.

Some people may read that and think “Well, that doesn’t help; my emotions are a result of my circumstances!” Hm. If I may, that is a total cop-out. To say that your emotions are a result of anything, is to say that you are totally incapable of emotional regulation. That suggests that you have no self control, and I believe that you are better than that. If you’re not, then let’s talk. I have some tools and visual aids that can help get you up to speed.

YOU, as an individual, intelligent person, can control your attitude. YOU control how you respond, what you say, and how you react. Our circumstances are far too tumultuous to be given that much power….come on. Just remember, no matter the chaotic situation, your attitude will completely shift your outcome.

There are children in refugee camps around the world, living in horrible conditions. Instead of wallowing and wailing, they are making the most of what they have. They create games out of rocks and rubble, they pull their younger siblings around in crates like it’s a ride, and they FIND JOY. If they can do it in a refugee camp you absolutely can also, while coping with quarantine during COVID-19. Our attitude is everything.

On the topic of the purity of children, something else we can learn from them is highlighted within my next point.

Beauty is Everywhere: Seek and you shall find.

There is a great optical illusion that I first saw in a book long ago (see below). In this image, you can look and see a beautiful young woman, or an old ugly witch. Maybe we shouldn’t call her ugly; that’s not nice. But you get the point! It is the same image, that can change drastically based on how you choose to perceive it. The same could be said about that blue and black versus white and gold dress that went viral a while back, but we won’t go there.

This optical illusion is an excellent example which confirms many cliche phrases: our perception is our reality, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we see what we want to see.

We can choose (there I go again, suggesting autonomous choice; do you see what I’m getting at?) to see the beauty in any situation, no matter how dire, no matter how terrible. While coping during COVID-19, for instance, we have a choice. In a thunderstorm, one might choose to marvel at the colors of the lightning, or the designs of the raindrops on the window. In a global pandemic (ahem, NOW), one might choose to see the beauty of the Earth’s returning health as a result of decreased pollution. One might choose to focus on the kindness of the helpers, or the beauty of the virtual human connections that are developing every day, like this group from an apartment building in Italy!

Seek the beauty, and you will find it. While you’re seeking, remember to

Breathe, and Believe.

Nothing stays the same forever. Truly, NOTHING. Nothing good, and certainly nothing bad. Our surroundings, circumstances, securities, relationships, and patterns change. Just as the good will change and develop over time, the bad will soon be transformed and removed also.

For your sanity, and the sanity of those around you, BREATHE. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, even if just for one moment, and BELIEVE that this is temporary. In the bad, remember that the sadness, anger, remorse, heartbreak, whatever, is temporary. It will not remain. Just so, in the good you must remember that the joy, love, excitement, passion, energy, will also shift. During any of these moments, a deep breath can heal. Headspace is a great little app to guide you. Take the moments of your breath to pray, meditate, or just give your body a healthy dose of oxygen. Whatever your motivation, I encourage you to breathe, and believe that this too, shall pass.

Now, while this post is intended to carry a hopeful and positive tone while coping during COVID-19, I in no way intend to belittle the challenges and catastrophe that this pandemic has brought to our world. We have all seen the death tolls rising, felt the fear when our older family members won’t stay home, and have probably all given a side-eye to anyone coughing in our vicinity. This is a serious situation, and should be treated with respect.

I trust that you are all reading this from the safety of your home, where you should be STAYING. Guys, listen to the experts and don’t be reckless. If not for yourself, then for the rest of us. I mean, really.

Gratitude is in order…

To my readers who are fighting this pandemic daily, or stocking shelves, or serving the community, or putting yourself in harm’s way to help others, I THANK YOU. I hope and pray that you will be able to find moments of peace, clarity, and beauty even amid the chaos, and hope that you know how many people are praying for and cherishing you.

For those of you who are at home, I challenge you. Choose to see this COVID quarantine as a chance to rest, to reflect, to meditate and to get reacquainted with your core material.

See the joy and love in your dog’s eyes as you spend the day at home, as a beloved owner.

Notice the light and wonder in your children’s eyes as you devote time to them and their schooling like you never have before.

Decide to utilize the stillness of quarantine “boredom” as an opportunity for rest and reflection.

Humanity worldwide is in a place of such unique challenge, but we are also gifted a chance for unique possibility. Let us not waste it, and let us learn.

Remember to celebrate, despite the chaos.

One Comment

  • Mo Casey

    Yesss!!!! So happy this is back up! I definitely need to remember to breathe sometimes and get that reflection time in. I love your perspective on attitude and how it can change every situation. Looking forward to more pensive posts! 🙂 thanks

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